Wing Chun Kung Fu is a close body, short strike pragmatic fighting system of Chinese origin made famous by Bruce Lee and Ip Man. We study, promote and train the "Chu Sau Lei Wing Chun Kuen" system under the guidance of Robert Chu Sigung/Alan Orr Sifu and Aaron Baum Sifu Contact Coach Paul Blissett - Tel: 07891699272 or E-mail:
Monday, 29 March 2010
Easter Closure
Just a reminader to all that there is no class this Sunday 4th April as the Moreton Hall Centre closes for easter holidays...also the Alan Gibson seminar on Sunday 18th needs to be paid for on 11th at class to secure your place. Sifu
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Alan Gibson is back!
The 'Wing Chun Federation' Head Coach - Alan Gibson is visiting our club in Bury St Edmunds for the 2nd time in 6 months to hold another seminar based at increasing our understanding and skill development of the Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun methods.
His first visit was a real eye opener to how much more direct we could make certain aspects of our Wing Chun practice and the feedback was very positive, mainly due to the fact of his genuine nature and passion for passing on the system correctly, without the need to sell it or put down other interpretatations, the WSL system seems to reflect the Wing Chun core concepts in a clearer way and all of a sudden everything makes more sense and has more depth and I for one am very much looking forward to learning more of this simple, direct approach.
Sunday 18th April 2010 - 3pm - 6pm
Moreton Hall Health Club, Mount Road, BSE, IP32 7BL
£25 per student - (we need 10 minimum to secure the seminar)
Please pre-pay in class to secure your place.
For Wing Chun Federation information please go to
His first visit was a real eye opener to how much more direct we could make certain aspects of our Wing Chun practice and the feedback was very positive, mainly due to the fact of his genuine nature and passion for passing on the system correctly, without the need to sell it or put down other interpretatations, the WSL system seems to reflect the Wing Chun core concepts in a clearer way and all of a sudden everything makes more sense and has more depth and I for one am very much looking forward to learning more of this simple, direct approach.
Sunday 18th April 2010 - 3pm - 6pm
Moreton Hall Health Club, Mount Road, BSE, IP32 7BL
£25 per student - (we need 10 minimum to secure the seminar)
Please pre-pay in class to secure your place.
For Wing Chun Federation information please go to
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Chi Sau Seminar - Saturday 20th March 3pm - 6pm
I am pleased to announce that I shall be holding a 'Next Level Wing Chun' - 'Chi Sau' (sticking/clinging arms) Seminar for all levels on - Saturday 20th March 2010
3pm - 6pm
Venue: St Johns Church Hall, St Johns Street, Bury St Edmunds - Limited parking so I recommend you park in town car parks - 5 mins walk from the hall.
This day is also 'International Wing Chun Day' - where practitioners around the world will be celebrating their art and crossing hands at all corners of the globe!!
This is a great opportunity to learn:
* How to apply correct hand positioning and energies learnt in the forms
* Learn how the concepts of Wing Chun can be drilled in Chi Sau
* Economy of Motion principle
* Defending and Attacking using your base and much much more!!
This seminar will be a very hands on look at the unique Wing Chun sparring exercise known as Chi Sau.
Seminar Fee - £20 if paid before the date - £25 on the day
Sifu Paul Blissett
3pm - 6pm
Venue: St Johns Church Hall, St Johns Street, Bury St Edmunds - Limited parking so I recommend you park in town car parks - 5 mins walk from the hall.
This day is also 'International Wing Chun Day' - where practitioners around the world will be celebrating their art and crossing hands at all corners of the globe!!
This is a great opportunity to learn:
* How to apply correct hand positioning and energies learnt in the forms
* Learn how the concepts of Wing Chun can be drilled in Chi Sau
* Economy of Motion principle
* Defending and Attacking using your base and much much more!!
This seminar will be a very hands on look at the unique Wing Chun sparring exercise known as Chi Sau.
Seminar Fee - £20 if paid before the date - £25 on the day
Sifu Paul Blissett