Wing Chun Kung Fu is a close body, short strike pragmatic fighting system of Chinese origin made famous by Bruce Lee and Ip Man. We study, promote and train the "Chu Sau Lei Wing Chun Kuen" system under the guidance of Robert Chu Sigung/Alan Orr Sifu and Aaron Baum Sifu Contact Coach Paul Blissett - Tel: 07891699272 or E-mail:
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Visiting Shaolin!!! (well...Southend actually)
On Sunday 17th March 2013 - a group of 13 "Next Level Wing Chun Academy" students (and me) finally took up Sifu Chris Thompson's invite to visit his group and full time training school/shop "Shaolin Martial Art Supplies" in Southend.
Chris agreed to teach on this occasion and took the students through various drills off a bridge hand and working towards bypassing defensive barriers and use of structure and Wing Chun theory to counter strength and a jammed attack line. Chris has a vast amount of teaching and training experience in Wing Chun both in the UK and Hong Kong/Mainland China so its always good to hear his viewpoints and catch up with him once again
All in all we had a good day out and its always good for the students to experience and learn from various teachers and show a willingness to learn and make friends with other lineages without a big political divide.
We all look forward in welcoming Sifu Chris and his students back to our club in Bury St Edmunds later in the year for more of the same.
As far as the current training in Bury St Edmunds goes we seem to have hit a groove of late and the attendance is edging ever closer to 20 regular students (albeit not all attend on the same day...but still)...the work ethic and enthusiasm for learning is also very high as friendships are formed and skills developed and built in over time.
So far this year we have covered and broken down the Siu Nim Tau form into concept and action/application, worked partner flow drills and street self defence scenarios, pad work and push ups, introduced single sticking hands and will be soon covering basic kick defence and the use of Taan and Bong Gurk as well as beginning double sticking hands and the second form Chum Kiu (seeking the bridge) along with the constant recap of the main Wing Chun fundamentals of closing footwork, punching, evasion skills, disruption and control of the opponents centre and generating attack lines.
As always we are actively recruiting new students so if you know of anyone who may be interested in learning Wing Chun please forward them my details or drag them along and we'll make them sweat....erm...I mean welcome :)
Tuition is still £10 per 2 hour session at first or £30 per calendar month
Looking forward to what the rest of 2013 brings to the club...keep open minded and training hard and often